Where Automation Stops: Amazon VA Comes In

Every Amazon business runs 24/7. Even when sellers are already sleeping, parts of the business will continue to operate non-stop. So how do sellers with little manpower do it? Amazon automation.

From repetitive to manual tasks, automation tools are developed to help carry out time-consuming tasks in your Amazon business with little to no effort on your part. There are many benefits of automating your business, the most significant one being cost and time efficiency.

The following are the most common areas that can be automated in order to have smoother and quicker business flows:

  • Customer Service through Chatbots
  • Product Research & Pricing
  • Inventory Management
  • Order and Sales Tracking
  • Shipping
  • Bookkeeping
  • Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Automation can streamline and optimize your overall performance in a fast-paced marketplace like Amazon. First, it allows you to free up time which you can then reinvest in other executive tasks like strategic decision-making. Second, it increases overall accuracy and efficiency in your operations, leading to an improved customer satisfaction. And third, it gives you the ability to quickly adjust to the changes in the market, considering that Amazon is constantly upgrading and evolving.

So, What’s the Problem With Amazon Automation?

Actually, there’s none. Amazon automation is genuinely a game-changer in the swiftly advancing ecommerce world. 

However, not everything about your Amazon business can be automated—that is, automation alone won’t get you your 7 to 8-figure goal. Although automation tools can streamline many operational processes, managing an Amazon business is complex and requires various tasks that frequently involve human judgment. If you want to maximize your business potential, there needs to be a balance between human involvement and technological incorporation. 

Remember, you are dealing with human customers. So you need human touch especially in the customer-facing side of things. And who better to ask help from than the experts themselves, Amazon Virtual Assistants (Amazon VAs).

Amazon VA Completes the Formula

Some crucial tasks still need human supervision and intervention in order to deliver efficiency. There are 2 main reasons why you can’t entirely automate your Amazon business: 

  1. Human oversight and understanding are required for tasks like customer service management, strategic decision-making, and creative endeavors like content development;
  2. Human intuition and flexibility are necessary for responding to unanticipated challenges in the market trends.

These qualities cannot be fully replaced by automation tools. This is the part where an Amazon VA comes in.

There’s no stopping the rise of Amazon VAs—which is only a necessary consequence to address the increasing demand for expert and professional assistance by Amazon sellers. So if you want to succeed at selling in an extremely competitive marketplace like Amazon, you have to have the right formula for reaching your business goal. Those who are already making it big in this industry can tell you its “Automation X Amazon VA”.

Different Kinds of Amazon VAs

Amazon VAs have different areas of specializations, depending on the niche they are trained and have solid experiences with. From administrative to operational, technical, and even executive tasks, there’s an Amazon VA tailored for your needs as an Amazon seller. 

Agencies like Virtual Assistant Academy (VAA) Philippines select, train, and equip highly competent and qualified Amazon VAs to provide personalized professional assistance to Amazon sellers like you with the aim of allowing you to scale your business. Here are some Virtual Assistant services that VAA offers, acknowledging the fact that not everything in your Amazon business can be automated:

1. Amazon Expert

After completing the extensive training program offered by VAA, the Amazon Expert VA gains proficiency at performing a broad range of operational aspects of the Amazon business, including:

  • Product Sourcing
  • Competitor Research and Analysis
  • Customer Service
  • Product Listing Optimization (SEO)
  • Inventory Management
  • Handling Refunds and Open Cases
  • Creating Chatbots using ManyChat
  • Continuous Learning of New Amazon Features and Tools

2. Amazon PPC Specialist

Aside from the rigorous Amazon training, PPC Specialist VAs also receive specialized training in PPC advertising, incorporating their strong analytical and mathematical skills. They have advanced knowledge of Amazon Sponsored Products and can perform activities involving:

  • Campaign Management
  • Bid Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • Amazon PPC practices
  • Search Term Reports
  • Seller Central PPC tools

3. Amazon Wholesale Experte

Wholesale VAs and Arbitrage VAs provide meticulous attention to detail in selecting the right suppliers and products for your business. By taking care of the following, they allow you to free up time and ensure a smooth operation while dealing with your executive tasks:

  • Profitable Product Hunt
  • Potential Client and Supplier Outreach
  • Product Qualification Based on Client ROI criteria
  • Tactical Arbitrage Proficiency
  • Helium10 Proficiency

Virtual Executive Assistant

Virtual Executive Assistants effectively oversee extensive duties and act as the main point of contact between executives and third parties. They are proficient with Google and Microsoft apps, so you can concentrate on business development while they take care of administrative tasks. You can delegate the following to these dependable assistants to maximize your efficiency and production:

  • Organizing and Maintaining Office Filing System
  • Calendar and Email Management
  • Project and Task Management
  • Preparation of Meeting Minutes, Reports, and Presentations
  • Overseeing Clerical Staff
  • Potential Client Outreach
  • Market Research
  • Financial Tracking and Reporting

5. Creatives Experts

Selected for their talent and skills, Creative Experts create compelling storefront designs, photos, and A+ content by adhering to Amazon Guidelines. They utilize sophisticated tools to enhance product photos and produce audience-resonant branding materials. These VAs include copywriters, video editors, and graphic designers who are experts in creating engaging multimedia content that increases traffic and conversion rates. Within their coverage are the following:

  • Storefront Design
  • Product Listing Optimization
  • A+ Content Creation
  • Image and Video Creation and Editing
  • Image and Video Ads Designing
  • Audio and Visual Optimization using Photoshop and Premiere

6. Social Media Specialists

Trained and skilled in organic advertising techniques, Social Media Specialists help you reach your target audience on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms. With their assistance in the following tasks, you can maximize your online visibility and sales potential by building an engaged prospective consumer base who are actually interested in your products:

  • Building and Promoting your Brand Name on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
  • Managing Communities on Social Media
  • Collaborating with Social Media Influencers for your Brand Promotion
  • Creating Newsletters That Appeal to and Convert Your Target Audience
  • Maximizing Exposure by Posting Daily on Amazon Posts
  • Customized Photo Editing for the Appropriate Social Network

Right Tools X Right People

Automating your Amazon business might be daunting in the beginning. The most practical way is to assess your business model and determine which areas may be automated. But knowing now that automation can only do so much, it’s time you bring in an Amazon VA to your team. The right tools managed by the right people will never not return your investment.

If you want to check out which kind of Amazon VA your business needs the most right now, give VAA a call for a customized consultation.